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Miss Charlotte -- Your Birth Story

First of all -- I'm still in awe that this second baby girl is already here. And that she's already 3 weeks old. Goodness, time waits for no one. When we found out that we were having another baby girl, many times after we would announce, the same question would arise: And which hospital are you delivering at? Home. And every time, sheer terror would be on those faces. Well, maybe not every time, but that generally was the result. The occasional person would be head over heels as they too had a home birth, and therefore, they knew what was ahead for us. Canada Day! 38w5d Many times I questioned myself, many times I would ask Jesse, should we really do this at home? Of course, his answer every-time was -- we will go wherever you want to go. And many times he would say to me -- don't feel like you have to do this at home, it won't make you any less than. Because I had made the decision, I felt like I had no choice but to now deliver at home... of course, no

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